Turk Telekom Expansion
Project number: 47969
Business sector: Information and Communication Technologies
Notice type: Private
Environmental category: C
Target board date: 13 Jan 2016
Status: Disbursing
PSD disclosed: 06 Oct 2016
Project Description
The EBRD is providing a loan of up to USD 100 million to Turk Telekom, the leading communication and convergence technology group in Turkey offering its customers the complete range of fixed voice, mobile, data, and internet services as well as innovative convergence technologies. The financing will be used to support the investment in mobile broadband infrastructure in Turkey.
Project Objectives
The financing will support the expansion of the broadband infrastructure in Turkey including in the eastern regions where penetration remains lower compared to the rest of the country.
Transition Impact
Mobile broadband in Turkey is especially important given the low fixed penetration in the country and the 4.5G project will lead to increase in coverage and capacity of the broadband infrastructure in Turkey. There continue to be regional disparities in broadband penetration with Istanbul and Ankara enjoying higher penetration levels compared to the rest of the country. Substantial amount of the investment in 4.5G network will be directed to regions where broadband take up (both fixed and mobile) is not as strong as in larger cities.
Client Information
Turk Telekom is the incumbent operator and leading communication and convergence technology group in Turkey. Turk Telekom and its subsidiaries provide integrated telecoms services from fixed and mobile voice to broadband internet.
EBRD Finance Summary
USD 100,000,000.00
Total Project Cost
USD 152,500,000.00
Environmental and Social Summary
The project was categorised C in accordance with 2014 EBRD Environmental & Social (E&S) Policy.
This means that environmental and social impacts associated with the project are likely to have minimal or no potential adverse E&S impacts. Turk Telekom is an existing client of the Bank and its environmental and social performance against EBRD Performance Requirements (PRs) in relation
to previous projects has been satisfactory to date. Environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) for this project has been based on reviews of the company’s 2014 Environmental & Social Annual Report and responses to a completed questionnaire.
The ESDD did not identify any significant environmental and social issues and risks associated with the proposed expansion of the mobile network. The client’s overall environmental and social risk management practices are in line with the EBRD’s PRs.
The client has established ISO 14001 in its regional directorate and related units and also has achieved OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety certification. Training is provided to staff on environmental and health and safety matters via a Training Academy. The client’s human
resources practice including an employee grievance mechanism is in line with PR2.
Any comments or concerns can be brought to the company’s attention either verbally or in writing, or via the company’s website.
The EBRD will monitor the project by reviewing annual environmental and social reports as well as site visits if needed.
Technical Cooperation
Company Contact Information
Türk Telekom Investor Relations
+90 212 309 9630
+90 212 352 9610
Yıldız Posta Cad. Vefa Bayırı Sok. No:40 Gayrettepe
Business opportunities
For business opportunities or procurement, contact the client company.
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Email: procurement@ebrd.com
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EBRD project enquiries not related to procurement:
Tel: +44 20 7338 7168
Email: projectenquiries@ebrd.com
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The PIP sets out how the EBRD discloses information and consults with its stakeholders so as to promote better awareness and understanding of its strategies, policies and operations.
Text of the PIP
Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM)
The EBRD has established the Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM) to provide an opportunity for an independent review of complaints from one or more individuals or from organisations concerning projects financed by the Bank which are alleged to have caused, or likely to cause, harm.
Any complaint under the PCM must be filed in accordance with the timeframes prescribed in the PCM Rules of Procedure. You may contact the PCM Officer (at pcm@ebrd.com) for assistance if you are uncertain as to the eligibility of your complaint.