The Professional Certificate on European (EU) State Aid Law is awarded by Maastricht University and Lexxion Publisher and is assessed on
the basis of academic quality and competence. This is a lexible programme which you can customise to your own professional needs.
Why a Professional Certificate in EU State Aid Law?
An objective of the EU’s 2020 policy is the encouragement of life-long learning as a means
of continually adjusting and improving personal skills. EU law and policies evolve in
response to changing market conditions, technologies and Member State needs. As the
process towards life-long learning intensifies, so will be the need for public officials and
other professionals to confirm that they acquire essential new knowledge and skills while
they remain in employment.
To be awarded the Professional Certificate on European State Aid Law you need
to successfully complete the following three modules within a two-year period. A
two-year period starts from a date when the first course begins.
Module 1 (Foundation): Standard Course on the Concepts of State Aid
Our standard courses will give you a comprehensive overview of the essential State aid
regulations and provide you with a practical ‘toolbox’ for assessment of State aid and
design of public measures compatible with the internal market.
This course is eligible under Module 1:
07 – 09 September 2020
Summer Course: State Aid – Concept, Principles, Exemptions & Guidelines | Athens
Programme | Register here
Module 2 (Expert): Master Class ‘State Aid Uncovered’
The Master Class is intended for officials with previous experience in State aid. The aim of
the Master Class is, first, to examine recent developments in the case law, presupposing that
participants are already familiar with basic concepts, and, second, to identify solutions to
problems brought by participants themselves.
These courses are eligible under Module 2:
15– 16 October 2020
Online Master Class – “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides
Programme | Register here
07 – 08 December 2020
Winter Master Class – “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides | Lisbon
Programme | Register here
Module 3 (Specialisation): One Specialist or Sectoral Seminar of Your Choice
The sectoral seminars focus on one of the following issues or areas: agriculture, transport,
structural funds, financial instruments, environment and energy, services of general
economic interest, fiscal aid and evaluation of State aid. Seminars on other specialist issues may
also be organised depending on developments in the field.
These courses are eligible under Module 3:
02 – 03 September 2020 | State Aid for Research, Development and Innovation Projects | Online
Programme| Register here
20 – 21 October 2020 | State Aid Practice in ESIF Programme and Project Management | Vienna
Programme | Register here
Submission of a Thesis to Maastricht University
A thesis of 10,000 words must be submitted to Maastricht University. The topic
will have to be approved by Professor Phedon Nicolaides, who will also read and
evaluate the thesis. Candidates will be encouraged to focus their theses on actual
national issues, problems or challenges and propose possible solutions.
1. The normal participation fee for each of the professional seminars by Lexxion
(Modules 1-3)
2. An adminis ative fee of 1000,– EUR to cover the thesis supervision and
assessment and documentation costs (excl. VAT)