State Aid Uncovered – Critical Analysis of Developments in State Aid 2019
How do national authorities apply the GBER after case C-349/17, Eesti Pagar? How much may a non-economic entity charge without becoming an undertaking?
Find all your answers and many more comments on new interpretations and applications of State aid law in Prof Phedon Nicolaides’ new book State Aid Uncovered – Critical Analysis of Developments in State Aid 2019.
- Economic Activity
- State Resources
- Advantage
- Private Investor
- Selectivity
- Taxes
- Effect on Trade
- Infrastructure
- Existing Aid
- Compatibility with Internal Market
- Services of General Economic Interest
- Financial Sector
- Transport
- Energy Aid
- Regional Aid
- R&D Aid
- Risk Finance Aid
- Procedures and Actors
- Recovery of Incompatible State aid
- National Courts
Index of Cases from the CJEU and European Commission on State aid