A British perspective: EU antitrust law and international damages actions
Sir Peter Roth • N° 1-2017
Cooperation with the European Commission in antitrust cases:
A new way paved by the ARA case
Céline Gauer,
Johannes Lübking • N° 1-2017
Disruptive innovation and merger remedies: How to predict the unpredictable?
Frédéric de Bure,
Laurence Bary • N° 3-2017
Exploitative abuse: When does enforcement make sense?
Kai-Uwe Kühn • N° 2-2017
Extradition and antitrust law:
Businessmen involved in global cartels extradited to foreign countries
Christopher Thomas,
Gianni de Stefano, Katherine L. Kay, Gal Rozent, Kathryn Hellings, Daniel E. Shulak, Raz Agranat, Yoshitoshi Imoto • N° 3-2017
Fairness and competition law:
A fairness paradox
Maurits Dolmans, Wanjie Lin • N° 4-2017